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     Mamba’s Story


Hey, Yall! I’m Mamba Tibbals…plopped in the birth order middle of three 

sisters…a most lucky spot to be!!! My birth certificate reads Mary Amber, two

grandmother’s namesakes. Being introduced by my older sister to hospital nursery

visitors, Mamba was what they heard. Lou’s “r’s” were nonexistent at that time. Hence, Mamba came to be, a nickname that has endured a lifetime. Texas roots run deep in my heart and in my “yalls,”but I have lived in Wichita, Kansas for 44 years. I am married to my  better half, Doug; four amazing children have blessed us with ten grand “grands.” Music to our ears is their angelic voices calling us Lulah and Grampz.


I am who I am based on my Momma and Daddy’s influences. Home was a farm on the West Texas Panhandle. Beauty of this flat as a flitter part of the world came from crops growing in row after row of plantings…ours being cotton. Pastimes in the good ole days consisted of bumpy dirt road biking, color book coloring, swinging a million miles from the tree swing, making mud pies that baked in the window of our playhouse, and running through the sprinkler. By the way, I can still hear the comforting sound of our turning windmill, just steps from our back porch. Yes, simple pleasures filled our days. Our love of nature stemmed from Daddy, no doubt. Momma gave us the love of “pretty” in the best possible meaning of that word. She loved pretty dishes, pretty table settings, simple, but pretty home décor, pretty doll clothes, designed and sewed by her. “Pretty is as pretty does” came out of her mouth on thousands of occasions as a reminder of what our behavior should be! Thank you, God, for our upbringing and our family!


Today’s past times include reading, playing Pinochle, avidly watching good sports, particularly KU basketball…Rock Chalk…and Las Vegas Raider football… (I hope you can still like me!), antiquing, gardening, family holiday gatherings, and sisters/spouses trips to our beloved Red River, New Mexico. My days are yet filled

teaching fourth graders. Being older and wiser in my 30 year career, I realize life lessons and nurturing are my greatest gifts to impart with my wee peeps.  I’m lucky to teach Language Arts. My students, without hesitation, would tell you my two most frequently spoken words are “unique and creative.”  Hmmm??? This sisterventure is going to allow us to share our uniqueness and creativity with you…..we hope!  Bye for now! Yall come back now…hear??? Mamba

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